The latest innovation in technology at Basketball Australia's Centre of Excellence is Shot Tracker, enabling players to analyse their form on court better than ever before.
In combination with the ACT Academy of Sport, the technology uses nodes in the roof above the court, a tracker in a specially designed basketball and a separate tracker in the players shoe to analyse shots in real-time. Watching the associated app at the same time, coaches and the players themselves can then determine where they best shoot from and where they need to improve while in a scrimmage format, they can track the movements of every player- again in real-time. "One of the other interesting things is that an injury could occur and a player would have to explain to a doctor what happened but with this technology you will be able to see the video," said Tim Kelly, AIS Research and Development Manager. 'That will help build up a repository of information of how we can do things better to avoid those injuries in the future. "Technology can be really cool but if it's automating things that coaches have to do manually at the moment, that's worth it in itself." See the full video on Shot Tracker below.